Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I apologize if it's not clear as to the purpose of this blog...It is to keep us informed of what is going on right now, during our brief 'vacation'. President Starikov and your exec board will post ideas on here for all to see. If you wish to make a constructive comment on an idea, please do so. We will keep you informed. Stay Tuned!!


I would like if everybody can send me a picture of themselves in a suit and tie. It should be relatively recent. The purpose of this is that I'd like to put up several fraternity collage protraits on our downstairs. Also, if anybody has some ideas on the design of a new recruitment board, which will possibly put on display by Campus Activities offices...Actual creation of the board can be arranged later, for now, I need ideas and designs.


We can go camping sometime in Spring - Feliks, you said April time - I'm thinking Guadalupe River area. There's a camping site near there which I've used and think will work perfectly. It's a four hour drive. For this to work though, we have to have EVERYONE there!!!!! We would leave around Friday early afternoon, set up camp, and relax. Saturday, we would go canoeing around 9 or 10 till sometime between 2-4. We can stay another night if we want, or we can head back that night. We would need to coordinate schedules (Tim, if you can help me with that) and I can try to arrange a 15 passenger and a pickup. We might have a ZBT representative tag along...and this'll prob be dry event. Any ideas?