Wednesday, February 25, 2009


We can go camping sometime in Spring - Feliks, you said April time - I'm thinking Guadalupe River area. There's a camping site near there which I've used and think will work perfectly. It's a four hour drive. For this to work though, we have to have EVERYONE there!!!!! We would leave around Friday early afternoon, set up camp, and relax. Saturday, we would go canoeing around 9 or 10 till sometime between 2-4. We can stay another night if we want, or we can head back that night. We would need to coordinate schedules (Tim, if you can help me with that) and I can try to arrange a 15 passenger and a pickup. We might have a ZBT representative tag along...and this'll prob be dry event. Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. I need everyone to put DAYS AND TIMES as well as ideas so we can come up wth the best weekend to do this. It HAS to be in April, and ALL the brothers have to attend, its a Nationally Mandated event.
